English Young Adult Ministry
“Christe ventures together with a Eucharistic heart to cultivate and strengthen a personal and communal faith through fellowship, devotion, and service.“

Christe Faith Sharing
Every 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the Month, 7:30PM
Join us twice a month where we gather as small groups to share our faith through praise, prayers, and scriptures. Meetings are held in the small chapel. Bring your own bibles, rosary, and an open heart — to be receptive to listening other’s joys and struggles in faith and be open to sharing your own joys and struggles in faith.

Friday Mass & Holy Hour
Every 2nd Fridays of the Month, 7:30PM
Join us every month for Friday evening English mass and holy hour. Spend an hour with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ praising and adoring our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fellowship Events
Every 4th Fridays of the Month
Join us once a month for fellowship activities including special lectures, games, movie nights, hikes, community service, and many more. Come meet new young adults in the community and make lasting friendships.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
there am I in the midst of them.”
(Matthew 18:20)
Core Team Members

Moses Kim

Jaemin Kang

Alex Kim

Christina Yoon

Hoon Im
Social Media
Follow us on Instagram for latest event announcements!