Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Discover Jesus. Discover his Catholic Church.

Become a citizen of heaven.
Become Catholic.
When you commit your life to Jesus:
- You become a true Christian, a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.
- You are brought into the holy Catholic Church, started by Jesus himself.
- You live for the ultimate purpose to life.
- You join the spiritual family all on the same path to heaven.
- Your daily works are blessed. Your struggles find redemptive power. Your hurts are healed. Your happiness has meaning.
- Your worship is true worship.
- You are intimately united to God’s Word.
- You discover who you truly are.
- You open yourself up to spiritual discipline that leads to inner freedom.
- You learn the way of virtues, such as patience, courage, temperance, and kindness.
- You discover the joy of giving, especially to those in need.
- You are invited to into an unending adventure of discovering God’s Kingdom.
- Your sins are washed away, your redeemed, and you are granted salvation!
The Catholic Church is:
- Founded by Jesus Christ on the rock of St. Peter.
- sustained through apostolic succession.
- inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit.
- nourished and constituted by the Eucharist and the Holy Scriptures.
- endowed with Christ’s authority.
- the living presence of the Body of Christ sustained throughout the ages.
- Christ’s primary means to salvation.
- the prophet of Christ in a world of never-ending confusion and turmoil.
- hand of Christ reaching out to the poor and oppressed.
- heaven on earth.
To become Catholic:
- Open your heart to Jesus Christ who says, “Peace be with you. Do not be afraid. Follow me.”
- Call the parish sister at 714-897-6510 x103 or email her at sister@kmccoc.org.
- Attend the RCIA classes each week. (RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults which is the official process of formation for people who desire to become Catholic.)
- Attend Mass every Sunday at 11:30am.
- Don’t forget to have a lot of fun!